Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Layering experiment with Nubar 2010 and Pure Ice Oh! Baby

So alright. I have a bit of a problem with having things in chronological order, and as such, I have been posting in the order in which I wore these manis, with the exception of the Neverland Nail Blog nail art contest and just a couple others. This isn't necessarily something that is important, I just wanted to throw it out there I guess, since today it's rainy and grey and sad outside but the pictures I'm posting today are from the end of March when it was nice outside! Hahaha.

Today's post is a layering experiment! I always love doing these kinds of things because I never really know how they're going to turn out. For this, I used one coat Sinful Colors Black on Black, two coats Pure Ice Oh! Baby, one coat Nubar 2010, one coat Oh! Baby, one coat Nubar 2010. In that order. :P 

All pictures were taken outside in the shade. I recommend clicking on them to make them bigger. :3

Straight on

At a slight angle, Nubar 2010 shift more obvious

Extreme angled back, Oh! Baby shift blue, purple, pink more obvious

Side shot! This way, you kind of get the whole effect.

I took these pictures over a span of about two days, so there is some pretty terrible chip wear... This mani didn't last to incredibly long since it was so thick. :/ It was fun while I had it on though.

What do you think? What's been your favorite layering combo you've tried?

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